Hi There! I was bored again the other day so I went to Camp Helen State Park again and I roamed around the trails and the beach and took some more photos. This is a pic of an old building there.

This one is weird but I thought it was neat how you can see the trees in the reflection of the window.

Not to often that you see a pinecone at the beach laying in the sand, very strange.

I found this cool crab shell too and thought it would be a cool picture.

If you look closely, the crab shell has a face, hee hee!

Just another self portrait on the beautiful beach.

Well I am going to Pamella's for dinner tonight , I can't wait to see my girls, especially that silly Aislynn. See ya soon!
Cool pictures! That self portrait one doesn't even look like a self portrait pic. I love the one with the brick and the trees in the reflection-cool!!!