I went to Tally the other day for a dentist appointment and while I was there I ate dinner with Phillip, Josh, and Dan G. Phillip wanted a pic with Zeke and Bailey but as you can see they weren't cooperating but it's funny how their heads are turned the same way.
Philly and I!
Philly and Josh!
Dan and I! Sean kept making fun of me before I left to go to tally saying that the shirt I'm wearing in the above picture is a where's waldo shirt. Ha ha!
Sean got me these roses for Valentine's Day and I was bored so I used them as my subject and I added water droplets to a rose to give it a different effect.
Here is my third scrapbook page! Look at the cute cute Aislynn! Work is crazy this week, lots of projects and Wednesday my district manager is coming and a General Manager spot just came open in Spanish Fort, AL so I have to decide if I want to apply or not. The money would be awesome but I don't really want to move again especially not there, so I have to keep pondering and try to make a decision. That's all for now!
Sean and I went to Biloxi with Pamella, Shaun, & Aislynn. Pamella and I took her to Chucke Cheese since there isn't one any where close to where we live and she had a ball. All the following pics are from there.
Aislynn riding on this weird bike thing that went up & down.
Aislynn riding on her pal Clifford the Big Red Dog!
This is Aislynn and me on a roller coaster ride that actually moved all around and up and down like you were on a real roller coaster. It hurt my back but she laughed the whole time and loved it.
Another shot of the coaster ride!
Here she is going down a huge slide, her eye looks weird in the top one but the bottom one is good and you can see her staticky hair. She is soooooooo cute!
Biloxi was fun, it was just good to get away but I had to go back to work today which was depressing but the good news is that in a week our hours will change so we won't open until 10 am every day but Saturday so that means on days I have to open I get to sleep in for an extra hour, woo Hoo!
Hi There! I was bored again the other day so I went to Camp Helen State Park again and I roamed around the trails and the beach and took some more photos. This is a pic of an old building there.
This one is weird but I thought it was neat how you can see the trees in the reflection of the window.
Not to often that you see a pinecone at the beach laying in the sand, very strange.
I found this cool crab shell too and thought it would be a cool picture.
If you look closely, the crab shell has a face, hee hee!
Just another self portrait on the beautiful beach.
Well I am going to Pamella's for dinner tonight , I can't wait to see my girls, especially that silly Aislynn. See ya soon!