Well as you all know by now, I accepted a promotion and I am officially living in Hoover, AL which is basically Birmingham and I am the store manager of World Market here. I am just about settled finally but I am loansome for Sean, who should move here in hopefully a month. This is kind of a long catch up post. Anyhow, here is a pic at a lake I found near my new home.

Here are some turtles at the lake. I just thought this pic was cool because of the twig branches over the water.

Here are some geese at the lake. They actually get really close to you. I took Sean here once when he came to visit and we were sitting on a bench and there were a few ducks swimming in the water in front of us and they got out of the water and literally came right up to our feet. They were so cute I really wanted to pet one but I was scared it would bite me, hee hee. Of course at the time I didn't have my camera with me, but it was really neat.

Also, a few weeks ago it snowed and I was super psyched. I thought this was a really neat shot because you can actually see it falling

I took this outside the back of my work and that is the top of our compactor that has the snow on it.

A shot up against the compactor so you could see the actual snow drops falling

The girls at work made me a mini snowman on my car. This is not it though because I found this one on a car in my neighborhood and it was better than the one they made me so I took a pic.

This was in my back yard!

There is this place called sip and strokes where you can paint and drink your own wine. So I went here once and painted this sunflower and gave it to Mom for her birthday since she loves sunflowers so much.

Last week I went again and painted this guitar for Sean. He she it was one of my best. I just love the colors, they taught me how to blend colors to make it look cool by going from one color to the next and it flows really neat.

Then a few few days ago Sean came to see me and I convinced him to go to sip and strokes with me and his painting ended up being better than mine, no fair. So I told him he wasn't allowed to go with me anymore, but I was joking. This one is mine! It is a funky tree but my branches got way to gnarly and I over corrected too many times and now it just looks so silly.

Here is Sean's and he was a perfectionist and his turned out really good. He enjoyed it and wants to go again sometime. The only bad thing about it is our paitings will be similar but our own styles will make it different I guess. This is so much more motivating because I don't have to clean up some huge mess like when I paint at home. Well, thats it for now, hopefully I will post more often then every 3 months, ha!