Happy late 4th of July! Here is a cake that mom, Aislynn & I made, yummyyyyy!

This was the first day Phillip got here and we enjoyed some wine with Josh & Shaun

On the 4th we went to my pool and here is Uncle Phillip & Aislynn

Josh, Philly, & Aislynn, those silly kids!

The whole Brown Family! Even Kieran is looking at the camera.

Pamella (mom) & Kieran, I think it turned out pretty good.

Aunt Brynne holding Kieran, soooo sweet!

Aunt Brynne & Aislynn on my balcony and I just stuck my arm out and took this but you never would have guessed

Peanut, she modeled for me for about 2 seconds before she was bored

It sure was sunny! We're glad to have you back home Philly!