Thursday, February 19, 2009


I went to Tally the other day for a dentist appointment and while I was there I ate dinner with Phillip, Josh, and Dan G. Phillip wanted a pic with Zeke and Bailey but as you can see they weren't cooperating but it's funny how their heads are turned the same way.
Philly and I!

Philly and Josh!

Dan and I! Sean kept making fun of me before I left to go to tally saying that the shirt I'm wearing in the above picture is a where's waldo shirt. Ha ha!


  1. Cute pics! Did you realize you are wearing striped shirt? Ha ha:)

  2. Hey, I just saw Phillip too. You should have taken a picture of you and Josh to show your stripes!!

  3. Yikes - cheesy smile alert. I had a fun time at dinner and can't wait to see you tomorrow!
